For the second consecutive year, San Antonio's River Walk will be aglow this holiday season with more than 1.76 million
multi-colored light-emitting diode (LED) lights wrapping the trees and lining
the street bridges along its banks. The new energy efficient lighting not only
enhances the experience to all who visit the River Walk, but it also adds 20
times more lights, utilizes less than half the energy of traditional
incandescent lighting and supports long-term sustainability efforts.
Earlier this year, the City of San Antonio converted 85,000 incandescent lights
to 100 percent LED lights for this year’s River Walk Holiday Lights experience.
Using more than 1.76 million LED mini-bulbs will save the equivalent of
approximately 33,000 kilowatt-hours of energy. The LED lighting is durable and
is expected to last 10 years in comparison to incandescent bulbs, which were
replaced annually.
Local lighting consultant and renowned artist Bill FitzGibbons, who has created
LED lighting displays across the world, developed the LED lighting plan for the
City of San Antonio. In addition to the minibulbs, the eco-friendly lights
incorporate the addition of multi-color programmable holiday accent lighting on
all 22 street bridges at the River Walk. The lights will be wrapped on 170
trees lining the river, as high as 60 feet. To further enhance the Holiday
experience, 26 heritage or iconic trees will feature up-lighting.
The enhanced LED lighting plan compliments Mayor Julián Castro’s inaugural
Light Up Downtown Holiday Lighting Contest, which showcases creative holiday
LED lighting displays at participating businesses on the street level. Both
initiatives aim to bring visitors to downtown San Antonio this Holiday season
while encouraging sustainability and energy conservation.
Norlux's team of engineers understand LEDs and related technologies like no other manufacturer in the world today. Contact us today to discuss your LED based lighting projects.